It is no wonder that smartwatch sales have increased significantly given that individual interest in fitness and health has increased since last year's pandemic.The Apple Watch, which emphasizes health and fitness and has a track record of rescue of human life, has no choice but to continue to lead the market until the first quarter of 2021.And Google's Wear OS may finally break in the next quarter if the partnership with Samsung goes well.
The entire market grows 35%year -on -year due to corona evil
Compared to the first quarter of last year, the smartwatch market has grown 35 % year -on -year.Counter Point Research has not pointed out the cause, but it is easy to imagine the tendency from the global event that has occurred in the last 12 months.People are increasing their awareness of their health, and smartwatches that can detect arrhythmia and blood oxygen concentration are particularly popular among consumers.
Counter Point Research is paying attention to which brands and platforms are leading the market.Again, it is not surprising that Apple Watch is still leading and increasing its share by 3 %.Although the number of Samsung shipments has increased, it still loses some of the overall market share.Huawei is ranked second than Samsung, but the numbers continue to decrease as expected.
Wear OS Interest and number of shipments may increase
In terms of the platform, Wear OS has little presence, but it may change soon.Market research companies have recently announced that Wear OS has recently announced that it will integrate Samsung's smartwatch OS "Tizen", and this partnership will increase both interest in Wear OS Smart Watch and the number of shipments.He pointed out that there is a possibility.Also, Samsung can make a profit because future Galaxy Watch can access more Android mobile phones.
Google is using a lot of cards, as it is also acquiring Fitbit.Fitbit is famous for fitness trackers, but also uses its own custom OS for some smartwatches.It is not yet clear whether they will ultimately have Wear OS, but if they are installed, the Google sections in this chart may increase significantly.
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