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Suicaも使えるソニーロゴ入り腕時計登場。Xperiaと調和する「wena 3」特別版 1000本限定ENGADGET Japanese version
Sony will release a watch with a Sony logo.It will be sold as "WENA 3 Frost Black Edition Styred for Xperia" with color and texture that harmonizes with "Xperia 1 III".The quantity is limited to 1000, and the estimated market price is around 75,000 yen including tax.
This machine is a wristwatch with a post -attachment buckle "Wena 3" that makes the analog watch on hand as a FeliCa -compatible smartwatch that contains Suica (a commuter pass is not allowed).
The Sony logo is engraved on the dial and back.According to the person in charge, a watch with a Sony logo on the dial has a watch with Sony logo using the "Service to engrave the company name on the dial, etc." provided by Seiko several decades ago.However, he says that it has appeared since then.
The design is in harmony with Xperia 1 III, as the "for Xperia" says, and the color is common with the Xperia 1 III frost black.The Wena 3 module part on the back is also black, enhancing the sense of unity in the design.
The stopwatch button on the side uses the same "crossloret pattern" as the shutter button used in "Xperia 1 III".
The windshield is made of mineral glass and the body is made of stainless steel.The battery drive time as a watch is about 5 years.The driving time of the "Wena 3" module, which is responsible for the function of a smartwatch, is about one week (correction: two weeks out of the first appearance. We apologize for the correction).
Delivered software updates for Wena 3
In conjunction with the release of this unit, we will also deliver a software update that enhances the function of "Wena 3" as a smartwatch.You can control the smartphone camera shutter paired with "Wena 3" and the song sending music song, playback, and pause on "Wena 3".