With ASCII.jp High -quality HPA, bring out the amount of high -resolution information from headphones

With ASCII.jp High -quality HPA, bring out the amount of high -resolution information from headphones

For two days on October 22 and 23, the "Autumn Headphone Festival 2016" was held at Nakano Sun Plaza.So I focused on headphone amplifiers to sound the headphones exhibited in the best state.

"Cavalli Audio" that sticks to class A and vacuum tubes

Cavalli Audio is a headphone amplifier manufacturer founded by Dr. Alex Cavalli in 2006.It is a brand nested from the world's largest forum "HEAD-FI" with the theme of headphone audio.

It has a closely relationship with a flat -drive headphone mrspeakers, and contains Cavalli Audio products in the recommended headphone amplifier.The designer Dan Clark also uses the Cavalli Audio amplifier for the demonstration of Ether Electrostatic (Ether Electrostatic) under development.Until now, we have focused on mail order on websites, but he wants to expand sales channels through agencies.

The products are available from the portable models that first appeared this time to high -end models exceeding 500,000 yen.LIQUID CARBON, which was released for 500 pieces in 2015, became popular and started re -ordering this year due to a premium.

ASCII.jp 高級HPAで、ヘッドフォンからハイレゾの情報量を引き出せ

Liquid Carbon

"LIQUID CARBON" is a seemingly portable amplifier, but is a small headphone amplifier with AC power supply.A class A amplifier of a discrete that does not use an operational amplifier, a complete balance configuration.The input is XLR balance, RCA pin terminal and φ3.Equipped with an imbalance of 5mm stereo mini terminal.The output is equipped with a standard plug for the XLR4pin balance, the balance of the Iris square terminal, and the imbalance.Equipped with a gain switching function.


DC電源を内蔵した同社初のポータブルアンプ「LIQUID SPEAK」の試作機。フルディスクリート、フルバランスのクラスAアンプを採用。クロームメッキ仕上げだが指紋が付きやすいという理由から、サンドブラストかマット仕上げになるとのこと。このままの方がクールなデザインなのに残念だ。

Liquid Lighting T

"Liquid Lighting T" used by MRSPEAKERS for demonstrations.Headphone amplifier dedicated to electrostatic headphones.This is the vacuum tube version of the solid state model "Liquid Lighting".The output terminal is equipped with a Kabali Audio custom -made stack compatible terminal.The volume adjustment uses a volume using an LED and a photo register that dislikes electrical contacts.


「LIQUID TUNGSTEN」は開発中のフラッグシップモデル。真空管とソリッドステートのハイブリッドモデルで、電源部にはスイッチングレギュレータが使われている。その音質は解像度が高く、ハイレゾ音源が楽しめるだけでなく、わずかに真空管らしい心地良い響きがのっていた。まだ基板しかなく発売時期・価格ともに未定だ。