Added text to your favorite location of PDF documents -introduced to the preview version "Microsoft Edge"

Added text to your favorite location of PDF documents -introduced to the preview version "Microsoft Edge"

 Microsoft said on September 15 (local time) that the features were available in Microsoft Edge.You can test with the preview version of "Edge".

 There is no form field that can be edited even though the application form is PDF format -is there such an experience?The [Add Text] function added to the preview version "Edge" this time is a useful function in such irritating PDF documents.Open the PDF document with "Edge" and press [Add Text] on the toolbar at the top of the screen, and you can insert a text box in the specified position with the mouse cursor.A right -click menu may be used where you want to insert the text box.

PDF文書の好みの場所にテキストを追加 ~プレビュー版「Microsoft Edge」に導入

 In this text box, you can customize the size, color, and letters between fonts.Text can be placed so that it fits perfectly in the frame.You may leave notes on the margin of the document or use it for applications to add annotations.


 Unfortunately, Japanese is not supported so far.I want to expect early response.

 The function to add text to the PDF document guided this time is available in the DEV version of "Edge 95" (Build 95).0.1020.0).The DEV version "Edge" is compatible with Windows/Mac/Linux, and can be downloaded free of charge from "Microsoft Edge Insider".The preview version of "Edge" (CANARY/DEV/BETA) can be coexisted in the same environment as "Stable)", so please feel free to try it.

 In addition, this version has changed the design for Windows 11.Compared to the current stable version, the title bar has a "MICA" (cloud mother) material effect, and the menu design has been changed.
