Eyipet announces "Ranking of injury and illnesses with many insurance claims"

Eyipet announces "Ranking of injury and illnesses with many insurance claims"

Overall ranking, dogs are "dermatitis", cats are "diarrhea"

Eyipettone Insurance Co., Ltd. The results of many injuries and illnesses were announced. This is the result of an eye pett every year, which is a ranking result based on the company's insurance claim results. In addition, this time, the company has also published a survey by prefectural species, which has a large number of contracts. According to this, it was found that dermatitis was continued last year, as a dog last year, as well as a cat last year.

Surgery ranking, dogs are "tumors", cats are "foreign -ingestion"

surgery, and dogs are most common in dogs, followed by "periodontal disease", and "periodontal disease". "Fractures" are in the top. On the other hand, the number of cats is "foreign material accidental", and "tumor" and "periodontal disease" after the second place. Looking at the ranking of injury and illness, which is a dog, by dog ​​breeds, toy poodles, Shiba Inu, and miniature dachshunds are the most common "dermatitis", while "heart disease" was ranked first in Chihuahuas. 。 In addition, the miniature dachshunds are ranked in "tumors" and "disc herniation", which are not found in the other three breeds. (Image is from the press release) ▼ Press release of external link iPrupet Insurance Co., Ltd. https://www.ipet-yns.com/● News Category related to this article: Iput (article provision: Super Academy)



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