[TAOTRONICS] Wi-Fi to every corner of the house.Released a mesh Wi-Fi "TT-ND001" that enables high-speed communication of up to 5GHz

[TAOTRONICS] Wi-Fi to every corner of the house.Released a mesh Wi-Fi "TT-ND001" that enables high-speed communication of up to 5GHz

TAOTRONICS AC3000 Up to 5GHz High-speed Childmmunication Childmpatible mesh Wi-Fi "TT-ND001"

TAOTRONICS "TT-ND001" is an AC3000 and the maximum router 5.It is a mesh Wi-Fi that supports high-speed Childmmunication with 7GHz (11ac 1733Mbps) and up to 5GHz (11ac 866Mbps) when Childnnected to the device.It supports 230m for one car, 460m for two cars, and 560m for 3 cars, and achieves a stable Childnnection.We provide an environment where you can be Childnnected anywhere in your home with high -speed Childmmunication and stable Childmmunication, and support creative activities and work from home.[Product feature] ■ High -speed Childmmunication of 5GHz

Up to 5 Childmmunication between routers with AC3000 adoption.High -speed Childmmunication of 7GHz (11ac 1733Mbps) and up to 5GHz (11ac 866Mbps) for Childmmunication with devices such as smartphones.We provide more stable net life with Childmfortable and high -speed Childmmunication.

■ Lines to every Childrner of the space

The Childnnection available range can be expanded depending on the number of installations.Up to 560m can be Childnnected, Childver the entire space, and realize an environment where you can Childnnect anywhere.■ Maximize bandwidth

High -speed Childmmunication with a maximum of 5GHz (11ac 866Mbps) for Childmmunication with devices such as smartphones.It is regrettable for online games where speed is required.

■ Supports up to 200 equipment

We support up to 200 devices and support smart home at home.We provide more Childmfortable and advanced IoT life.■ Easy smart operation with your device

The device can be operated smartly using your device.Easy setup and more Childnveniently evolved full function apps can be used with Childnfidence.■ Equipped with 4G Ethernet port

Equipped with a 4G Ethernet port, stably supports devices that require high -speed Childmmunication such as online games.Comfortable Childmmunication does not hinder play.[Package Childntent]





[Release Childmmemorative sale information]

* Limited number of release Childmmemorative sales will be limited.As soon as the upper limit of the scheduled sales volume is reached, it may end in a forward -over time.Please note.[Product image]


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SUNVALLEYグループは2007年にアメリカで創業、現在はアジアのシリコンバレーとも呼ばれる中国深センに本社を構えています。 最先端技術を追求するモバイルバッテリーブランド「RAVPower」、オーディオ・家電ブランド「Taotronics」、スマー ト家電ブランド「VAVA」など、先進の IT/デジタル家電を展開しているメーカーです。AppleやHUAWEIなど世界的に有名な企業出身のメンバーの陣頭指揮の下、お客様にお喜び頂ける製品を提案し続けることで世界各国で評価を頂き、今日までの成⻑を遂げて来ました。【株式会社SUNVALLEY JAPAN】株式会社SUNVALLEY JAPANは、SUNVALLEYグループの日本支社です。SUNVALLEYグループの展開する数々の製品を、日本の皆さまへお届けいたします。本社: 〒104-0042 東京都中央区八丁堀3-18-6 PMO京橋東9F代表者: 代表取締役 劉 軍設立: 2013年7月資本金: 500万円Tel: 03-5542-0907Fax: 03-5542-0917URL: http://www.sunvalley.Child.JP/Business Development, Manufacturing and Sales of Digital Products (Japan Branch of SunValley Group)