Zenheiser announced the on-car shot gun microphone "MKE400-II".The estimated market price is $ 28,600 (tax included), and the release is scheduled for January 27."MKE 400-II Mobile Kit", a set of smartphone clamps and mini tripods, will be released simultaneously at the market price of $ 34,100 (tax included).
The company launched its first shotgun microphone "MD82" in 1956, and has been highly evaluated in the professional world, with the "MKH415" (1970) and "MKH416" (1980) used as the standard for broadcasting stations.rice field.
Based on the most popular shotgun microphone "MKE400", this new product has been fully remodeled for creators who make videos with digital SLRs and smartphones, which are increasing in demand.By the way, the model number is not changed overseas, but in Japan it seems to be distributed as Mark II.
Mke 400-II considers the creators to clear the requirements for the microphone.
First, the directivity as an on -camera shot gun microphone was realized at a high level.Following the sound interference tube type to improve the sound quality of the video taken.The pickup from the direction of the camera is secured to achieve clear sound quality.
We also considered countermeasures against wind noise, which is important in outdoor shooting.The 10mm diameter electret condenser "KE10 Capsule" is optimized for new products, and is attached to the end of the 100mm acoustic interference tube.The acoustic interference pipe itself is attached to the shock -mounted mechanism inside the wind protection, so that handling noise can be suppressed.
In terms of operation, 3 for level check.It also has a 5mm headphone output (with a monitor volume control), so you can record while checking the sound quality.It also has a low -cut filter and three -stage sensitivity switching, so you should be able to use it conveniently according to the environment at the time of shooting.
The power supply can be recorded up to 100 hours with two AA batteries.It is safe because you can check the remaining amount display 3 hours before the battery runs out.The power is turned on/off to the camera (plug -in power required), so you can avoid forgetting the power supply.
In terms of specifications, the frequency characteristics are 50Hz to 20kHz, and the sound is possible in the range of 60 degrees horizontally.It seems that the sound is clear, the midrange is flat, and the treble is slightly higher.Clear the maximum sound pressure 132dB SPL so that you can withstand the high volume recording.
Mke 400-II comes with a connected cable for camera/smartphone, wind jammer and port.The Mke 400-II Mobile Kit includes a smartphone clamp and a mining tripod.
MKE 400 - オンカメラショットガンマイクロホン
MKE 400 is a compact and directional on -camera shotgun micro hon.It is designed to strengthen the voice of the video.Mke 400 has a built -in wind protection and shock absorber, like MKE 200, and has further enhanced its functions to achieve high quality recording.