The year of the year has approached, and this series is finally the last update of the year.Three years have passed since the serialization started in January 2012.Once again, I would like to thank the readers and thank them.In 2015, the serialization will continue at the same pace.I would be grateful if you could continue to read.As usual, in the last series of 2014, I would like to pick up what I want to pay particular attention to from the topics of the mobile industry that occurred in the past year.
Speaking of 2014, the event in the mobile industry is probably the rise of "cheap SIM" and "cheap smartphone".The MVNO contract has grown at a stretch, and the lineup of SIM lock -free terminals has expanded.On the other hand, looking at three major carriers, there was a major evolution of the network.In particular, for voice calls, DOCOMO, KDDI, and SoftBank Mobile have introduced VoLTE.This is also a topic that attracted attention in 2014.In terms of the network, "LTE speed" was in the spotlight over 2013.
As part of speeding up, KDDI introduced "Career Agrygulation".At the same time, the smartphone supported the "WiMAX 2+" with the UQ communication in 2014.WiMAX 2+ compatible smartphones include iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.DOCOMO, on the other hand, 1.The speed of up to 150Mbps down is realized by the 7GHz band (Band 3) using the 20MHz width.
As for the terminal, the 2013 iPhone came out of three major carriers, and the movement of differentiating with Android has progressed.Among them, KDDI and Softbank were most impressive.Softbank, which has Sprint, has released "AQUOS CRYSTAL" as the first joint procurement model.KDDI, on the other hand, puts the LG Electronics ISAI series as a joint development model, and also colored the terminals of Taiwanese manufacturers such as HTC and ASUS.These manufacturers have developed the same terminals in the Asian market, taking advantage of the knowledge gained in the Japanese market.
In this series, I would like to look back on the year with three axes: the rise of MVNO, the evolution of the network, and the terminal that differentiates.
「石野純也のMobile Eye」バックナンバーOne year when MVNO has made a big leap, the lineup of SIM lock -free terminals expands
It was in 2013 that Big Lobe launched a 1GB and 980 yen "entry plan".From there, price competition progressed, and many MVNOs followed here.The price has dropped further in one year, and the current market price is 2GB in the 900 yen range.If the amount of data is 1GB, there is a plan in the 600 yen range.The major topic in 2014 was that the number of contractors has become remarkable in response to these low prices.The keywords of "cheap SIM" and "cheap smartphones" are often featured in general media and are becoming trends.Nifty, Kay Opticom, Rakuten (Fusion Communications), KDDI Value Nebllers, etc. are not limited.
写真は、ニフティがMVNOに新規参入したときの料金プラン。データ通信のみのプランの場合、2Gバイトで900円が相場になりつつある楽天モバイル(左)やケイ・オプティコム(右)など、MVNOの新規参入も多い1年だったOf course, the decline in price alone cannot explain that MVNO will be a boom.In addition to low -priced prices, the price plan for voice calls has become commonplace is also a reason that has expanded the Sono.In addition, MVNO sales channels have spread significantly.For example, a counter is set up with a tag with IIJ and Bic Camera, and a counter is installed in the store.NTT Communications is also a Geo store and issues SIM cards on the same day.IIJ and BIGLOBE's SIM cards and Aeon, which set up their own terminals, can be said to be the leaders who have improved MVNO awareness.In some cases, such as free bits and U-NEXT, they have their own shops.
各MVNOが音声通話に続々と対応し、メインの回線を切り替えるハードルが低くなった独自の店舗を持つMVNOも登場した。写真はU-NEXTのショップ。ここではU-mobileのSIMカードやSIMロックフリー端末が販売されているWhy are each companies focusing on developing actual stores?One is to be a point of contact with the user.And more major reasons are the immediate opening of the SIM card.In the case of a SIM card with only data communication, it can be activated online, but if the voice call is included in the service, the identity verification becomes severe.You can respond by mail, but especially in the case of MNP, a blank period may be formed during delivery, so contracts at the store are indispensable.
Furthermore, with the expansion of the MVNO market, the manufacturer decided to sell SIM rock -free terminals.Huawei was symbolic.Starting with the ASCEND G6, which appeared in June, the company launched a variety of smartphones and tablets from high -end to midrange.On the other hand, ASUS's "ZenFone 5" has produced moderate performance and design in the midrange.The same terminal is popular not only for users but also for MVNOs, such as being adopted as a highlight at the launch of Rakuten Mobile and NIFMO.LG Electronics also launched SIM lock -free terminals.
SIMロックフリー端末のラインアップを一気に拡充したHuawei(写真=左)。ASUSもSIMロックフリースマートフォンを発売。「ワンランク上のぜいたく」を掲げた「ZenFone 5」は、大きな話題を呼んだ(写真=右)Many of these terminals are mid -range models, but compared to MNO's career model, the main unit price is more expensive.MNO's smartphone is a monthly discount, and the "real price" is cheaper, but the communication fee is higher.Conversely, the combination of midrange models and MVNO is compatible, and it is possible to fall below MNO at total cost.If a smartphone has reached its maturity and has a mid -range model performance, it is a big difference in the environment.
It was a year when MVNO grew significantly, but the tasks have become apparent.One is quality problem.Since MVNO buys bandwidth from MNO and provides services, this part is a bottleneck.In fact, some MVNOs have an unlimited usage plan with unlimited capacity, but some have heard that the speed they expected would not appear at all.Now that "people who know" is still the center of the user, it has not developed into a major trouble, but it is likely that the situation will be painful.2015 may be a year of focus on these quality.
3Mbpsに速度を絞って使い放題を実現した、NTTぷららのサービスは反響も大きかった。ただし、MVNOによっては、速度制限なしをうたう一方で速度が出ないこともあるAt the end of the year, KDDI Value Nebllers entered, but most of the MVNO lines are still DOCOMO.There are few MVNOs that use KDDI and SoftBank lines because the connection fee for lending is high.In addition, there is a communication system for KDDI, but it is more likely that the connection fee is more difficult to pay for it.The connection fee is roughly calculated by dividing the cost of the equipment by traffic.I don't think the price can be easily reduced because the calculation formula is fixed, but it is somewhat strange to see that there is a difference that is twice or three times that of docomo.In 2015, we hope that the connection fee will decrease and the MVNO line will be diversified.
KDDIバリューイネイブラーが立ち上げた「UQ mobile」