If Wi-Fi tends to be interrupted on the iPhone, try "Static IP address"

If Wi-Fi tends to be interrupted on the iPhone, try "Static IP address"

When using Wi-Fi on the iPhone, only the access point name (ESSID) set on the router side (ESSID) and the password set on the router, and once it is authenticated, it can be automatically connected from the next time.Actually, we contact the "DHCP server" operated by the router side and have a procedure to lend an essential IP address for communication, but the iPhone is set to automatically perform a series of processing.Because it is, there is no need to be aware of the user.

However, if you notice, you will often hear troubles such as communication in communication, and connection is off.Whether the cause is in the router or on the iPhone (iOS), it is difficult to judge due to the large number of products, but it is possible that the IP address has not been properly lent for some reason.

In such a case, let's consider "fixing" the IP address.By manually setting the appropriate IP address to the iPhone and always using the same IP address (static IP address), the effects of the DHCP server are eliminated.This measure can avoid problems caused by at least the assignment of IP addresses.


IP address assignment requires knowledge and know-how, but if you are connected to a router (Wi-Fi access point), the story is fast.Open the screen in the order of "Settings" → "Wi-Fi", tap the "I" button of the current Wi-Fi access point, and write down the information on the "DHCP" tab on the screen that appears.。Switch to the "Static" tab as it is, and among the information you notes, the 4th section of the IP address (eg, "1" of is changed in the range of 2 to 254/does not overlap with other devices.It's OK if you enter something.


Easy explanation of the operation procedure

1 『設定』→「Wi-Fi」の順に画面を開き、現在接続しているWi-Fiアクセスポイントの「i」ボタンをタップする

2 「DHCP」タブに表示されている情報をメモしておく。そのうちIPアドレスは4区切り目を変更することになる

3 「静的」タブに切り替え、サブネットマスクとルーター、DNSは「DHCP」タブと同じものを入力する。IPアドレス欄の4桁目は、同じネットワーク上にある他の機器と重複しないものに変えること

4 App Storeで配布中のアプリ『Fing』を使えば、使用中のIPアドレスがわかる。ここに表示されていないものを静的IPアドレスに指定すればいい

(提供:iPad iPhone Wire)