How to use "non -security networks" safely?

How to use "non -security networks" safely?

"Network that is not security protected" is the status displayed on the information screen of the Wi-Fi?Is it a point?Before the start of use, a security warning appeared on the screen, and I think it was accepted that it was dangerous.

「セキュリティ保護されていないネットワーク」を安全に使う方法は? - いまさら聞けないiPhoneのなぜ

This "non-security network" means that Wi-Fi communication content, that is, all exchange of iPhone and Internet is not encrypted.Since the information sent from the iPhone flows to the Internet as it is, there is no one if the malicious person is intercepted.Avoid sending important personal information such as passwords and credit card numbers, such as email (Internet mail).

However, the situation in the case of a web browser changes.If you access a website that supports SSL encryption communication with a web browser that supports SSL, the communication between the website and the iPhone will be encrypted.In the case of SAFARI, if you access the SSL -compatible website, the key will appear in the URL bar (the address display column at the top of the screen), and the top of the address starts with "https: //", so you can distinguish it.If the server operator's screening is a proof that it has been carefully conducted, it is still safe if it is a green URL (SSL using EV certificate).

There is another way to use a communication service/app called VPN (Virtual Private Network).Since communication with the VPN server is encrypted, it is a mechanism that alls you are encrypted if you connect to the Internet via the VPN server, but setting requires some knowledge and effort.