Microsoft, Game's VoIP acquisition of Discord is a report of negotiations.1 trillion yen force

Microsoft, Game's VoIP acquisition of Discord is a report of negotiations.1 trillion yen force

Gamesbeat and others reported that low -delay voice chat service Discord for game play is negotiating with multiple companies interested in acquisition.Microsoft's name is listed as a leading negotiator, and Bloomberg reports that it will be more than $ 10 billion, assuming negotiations in the final stage.

Discord is a popular service for low -delay voice chat for gamers, etc., and the popularity of video games has increased as people's entertainment due to the pandemic of the new Corona, and the number of users has doubled and the sales are 13000.It has grown rapidly to $ 10.Its corporate value was evaluated as $ 7 billion in December, but it is said that it has not yet made a profit as a company.


Another major company that has raised your acquisition has the name of Facebook.However, Facebook is in a position to undergo an antitrust law -related survey, along with Amazon, Google, Apple, etc., and at this point Microsoft is still the most powerful buyer.As of the end of 2020, Microsoft has $ 131 billion cash.Earlier this year, the acquisition of Game Publisher Zenimax Media was completed, and it was rumored that we were considering the acquisition of further game -related companies.

Discord has already been registered by millions of gamers and is also promising for marketing and promotion.However, the current Discord's independence may also be an important part of the charm of gamers.If this is acquired by a large company, Discord services may be biased to games and services related to the company.

Discord CEO, Jason Citron's previous company, mobile game social platform OpenFeint, but the two companies' integration of the two companies did not go well and the OpenFEINT was finally closed.

Source: Gamesbeat
