In IIJMIO, you can quickly switch ON/OFF of high -speed communication coupons with the official "Mion" app.This time, let's explore the feeling of use and the benefits of turning off.
In IIJmio, which provides data communication and voice calling services in cheap MVNO SIM, high -speed communication is included as "coupon".
The cheapest 972 yen (tax included) "Minimum Start Plan" comes with a 1GB coupon every month.Since the coupon attached to this plan can be carried over to the end of the following month, the minimum start plan can use high -speed communication of up to 2GB * 1 * 2.
※1 プランに付属するクーポンとは別にクーポンの追加購入も可能です。購入する場合は1枚324円(税込/100MB)で毎月30枚まで購入可能です。10/1付で、1枚216円(税込)に変更になります。※2 10/1付で、ミニマムスタートプランに付属する高速通信のためのクーポンが、同じ料金で1GBから2GBとなります。It is the "IIJmio coupon switch" application for Andorid and iOS that can easily switch the ON/OFF of this coupon.
If you log in with mioid and password, you will see information on your SIM.You can check the remaining amount of the coupon or change the ON / OFF of the coupon with the switch.
Let's check the communication speed with the coupon ON.The download was 19.46Mbps and the upload was 7.81Mbps.It's enough speed.
Let's turn off the coupon with the Miono app.Please note that after switching the switch, it is necessary to tap "Application".
Here is the measurement result at the time of coupon OFF.The download was limited to 0.24Mbps (about 240kbps) and the upload was limited to about 0.12 Mbps (about 120kbps).In IIJMIO, the normal speed is up to 200kbps, so it seems that it can communicate faster than the nominal value.
After the communication was performed, the total remaining amount decreased from the initial value of 1,980MB to 1,927 MB.The reflection of the remaining amount is quite fast and accurate.
The faster the smartphone communication speed is more convenient.This is a certain fact, but there is no need to keep being fast.
"I want to use a lot on the next month's trip!"
"In case of emergency, I want to communicate high -speed, so I usually spend low speed."
And if you operate the coupon systematically according to the app and lifestyle you want to use, you may be able to use your smartphone more conveniently and more comfortably.In addition, it is convenient to simply check the data usage, so if you are IIJmio users, let's install it!
>>> Related link
◆ IIJmio Coupon Witch AppStore / Google Play
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