The night view season has come.
There is only one thing to be aware of in night view shooting.Don't force the cold to catch the cold.Please be careful nowadays that influenza is doing.Ghogohogohigaho.
So, every year, when I watch my smartphone camera, the remarkable trends of the year emerge, and this year (2018) is the "night view".
HUAWEI pioneered the "HUAWEI P20 Pro", the iPhone casually became much stronger in this year's model, and Google's "Pixel 3 XL" launched a night view mode in the fall.
If you think that you did not touch the night view mode of pixel 3 in your review of ITMEDIA .... In fact, when you reviewed it, "night view mode was not implemented yet" (mid -November. "It was installed in the camera app update), so I wanted to use the night view mode, so this time it is a "night view and illuminations confrontation" by the high -end smartphone in the 2018 winter.
Just look forward to the night photos.
ハイエンドスマホ5機種で撮り比べ5 entry models
First of all, the introduction of each model in order.
HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro
カメラ部のデザインが特徴的な「HUAWEI Mate20 Pro」。夜景特集なので夜の明かりだけで撮ってみた"Huawei Mate 20 Pro" has a very impressive design with three cameras and lights lined up.The triple camera is noticeable, but the night view mode is amazing from the previous model "Huawei P20 Pro".
If you shoot in night view mode, you have to change the settings with a novel feature of "I have to stay at 4 seconds" (3 seconds or more than 10 seconds, but about 4 seconds).By shooting and synthesizing, you can take a night view with a wide dynamic range without blurring.
If the outside is dark enough in the normal photo mode, AI will automatically take the same night view mode if it is better to take a night view, but I also shot it in the night view mode.
カメラアプリで「夜景」モードにすると手動で夜景モードにできる夜景モードで撮影中。カウントダウンしてるのが分かるThe night view mode is taken over a few seconds, but a tripod is not particularly required.If you hold your breath and keep your terminal, you'll do something on the app side.
While lifting the shadow part and catching other than lights, the highlights are suppressed, making it a night view taken with HDR (high dynamic range).
You can think that you can take an imadoki night view that expresses the "bright night in urban areas".
Pixel 3 XL(Google)
「Pixel 3 XL」。シングルカメラで十分ですよ、といいたげなボディー"Pixel 3 XL" is a notable model that can only be done with a single camera during the dual camera heyday.Based on the vast amount of learning results, making pictures is likely to be a "game changer" in the smartphone camera world.
Pixel 3 XLの通常のカメラモードで撮影した夜景As mentioned earlier, the night view mode is "Others" in the mode selection, probably because the night view function has been added in the app update.If you do not have a night view mode, update the camera app.
In a very dark place, a guide like "Do you not use night view mode?"
撮影モードの「その他」から「夜景」モードを選ぶ夜景モードの撮影画面。シャッターボタンが「月」になっている方に注目。左に余計なのが表示されてるのは……わたしが慌ててスクリーンショットを取ってしまったことによるミスです。すみませんIn the night view mode, multiple photos are taken and synthesized, but they are not as long as Mate 20 Pro.OK if you stay still for about a second.
Pixel 3 XLの夜景モードで撮影。ハイライト部がちょっと抑えられた、極めてオーソドックスな夜景らしい夜景を撮ってくれるIt's hard to understand the difference with this example, but if you become a darker place, you'll be able to see it, so look forward to it.
iPhone XS(Apple)
iPhone XS。縦に並んだカメラ部がポイント"IPhone XS", a dual camera with a vertical camera.It's not "iPhone XS MAX" but XS ... because I have this one.The screen feels small just because the other terminals are large screen models, but I can't help it.
The iPhone XS has no night view mode, but the new function "Smart HDR" works well, so it is stronger in the night view.
When the HDR is applied, the white toobi of the highlight part is suppressed, making it a very beautiful night view.
iPhone XSの撮影画面。特に夜景だからどうということはない撮影画面だけれど、この時点で旧iPhoneに比べるとダイナミックレンジが広いスマートHDRがかかり、ネオンやサイネージの白トビが抑えられた明部から暗部までしっかり捉えているGalaxy Note9(サムスン電子)
GALAXY Note 9。横に2つカメラが並んでいる6.It is a Galaxy flagship model with a bezelless display without a left and right bezel and a built -in S -pen (which is a very good) with a huge 4 -inch display, and has a wide -angle and telephoto dual camera.
Galaxy Note9の撮影画面。特に夜景モードはなく、「自動」モードで夜景と判断したときは画面に「月」アイコンが出るGalaxy Note9 does not have an independent "night view" mode, and determines whether "automatic" is a night view.In the above example, it seems that this brightness did not need to be a night view mode.Note that the HDR is turned on.
Galaxy Note 9で撮影。ちょっと暗部(並木の葉っぱのあたりとか)がつぶれてるけれど、ディテールがくっきりして十分夜景として通用するXperia XZ3(ソニーモバイルコミュニケーションズ)
Xperia XZ3のカメラ。中央近くにあるカメラと丸みを帯びた背中がポイントThe latest model "Xperia XZ3" by Sony Mobile Communications.Although it is a single camera, Sony is developing the sensor in the group anyway, and some companies have been "AI -equipped" for many years, and have been "Automatic scene recognition" for many years, and automatically automatically.It is judged to be a night view.
The interesting thing is that it has 13 types of scenes + 4 kinds of conditions.For example, if the camera is held or the subject is determined to be moving, the shutter speed will be faster and the ISO sensitivity will increase.
Xperia XZ3で撮影。暗いのにシャッタースピードが1/100秒と高速になり、ISO感度も1000と上がったので画質はちょっと落ちている端末をガラスに押しつけて固定したら三脚アイコンが出て「カメラが固定されてる夜景」と判断されたするとISO感度は40、シャッタースピードは1/4秒になり画質がグンと上がるIf it is judged as a night view where the camera is fixed, the image quality rises dramatically, but the shadow part is darker than other terminals, giving a dark impression of the city.
It's not wrong as a night view (although I'm a little worried about the dark color), but it's a bit disappointing because the urban bright night view is popular these days.