Panfour You, which runs a platform that connects bakery and consumers, will launch the “National Bread Common Ticket” on December 9th.At the start of the rise, more than 20 or more stores are expected to participate in more than 20 bakery brands, including Andersen, Ve de France and Kobeya.Until now, Panfo You has been developing frozen bread and subscription sales with the aim of expanding the sales channel of the local unique bakery, but it is sent to Banya Rui store, including brands that develop major chains.Enter the customer business.
Panfo You was founded in Kiryu, Gunma in January 2017.Initially, it was a one -company system (style bread), but after that, it started as a business that develops a custom -made service that allows you to select the raw material for bread and deliver frozen bread.In 2018, it is a founder in order to build a business relationship with pivot and multiple bread factories / bakery to build a subscription to a subscription -type delivery -type -type bread that handles multiple bread factories / bakery bread.Kenta Yano, Representative Director, did his MBO.
Since 2018, Panfo You has provided delivery to bread home and office using frozen technology, and since 2020, it has been providing Pansk, which regularly delivers the bakery that you like in a subscription format.In recent years, businesses B are also diversifying, such as providing unique breads that collaborated with cinema content, and “ghost bakery”, which is served and delivered to manufacture and deliver bakery recipes.In terms of finance, it is new to remember that the Series A round was announced in May this year following the Angel Round in October 2018 and his round from his GXPartners in June 2019.
Kaneka Foods under a major chemical manufacturer, which supplies pamphlets such as East bacteria last month, including the startups such as "SACRI" introduced last year, launches "Ponnotsu".This area, which had been a blue -octopus for a long time, is now in a hurry.Until now, there were no players who networked individual shops, but if they could connect them with the material supply and the touch point of the customer to the clue, it would definitely win a new business opportunity.
Subsques at stores (different from the current Pansk) are also preparing for the start after next spring, and the conditions are depending on the store, but it is said that one loaf of bread can be freely picked up per day just by paying a fixed monthly fee.A bakery is likely to appear.For a bakery, the benefits of fixed customers and visiting regularly are great.Even if one loaf of bread is provided with a deficit, visitors often buy other breads, so even if we balance marketing costs, it will be enough.
Due to this year's corona, the number of inquiries from the bakery, especially chains in urban areas and bakery shops in urban areas, has increased.Frozen and subscriads tend to be applied to breads with added value and highly differentiated elements because they cost packaging and transportation costs, and did not meet all bakery needs, but the introduction of common pussy tickets.The possibility that bakery, which provide universal services, such as chain stores in urban areas (in contrast to unique bakery in the unique region, are unique) has increased.
Pamphoru also builds a bakery operating system (OS).This also leads to his DX (digital transformation) in a bakery, and there is a possibility that bread production of individual stores that rely on the owners and craftsmen's intuition and memories will be created.If you use the EC order management SaaS, you can order the ordering of materials according to the sales, and issue a JAN code to put products on major distribution.Panfor You may be able to realize a mechanism like an overseas marketing marketing in Singapore in Singapore.
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