Cisco expands the "Cisco Start" SMB strategy, aims at several offices Cisco expands the "Cisco Start" SMB strategy, aims at several offices

On April 11, 2019, CisChild Systems announced the expansion of product portfolios and the establishment of a new SMB sales department in the "CisChild Start" series for SMB (100 or less of SMBs and employees).In terms of product, a wireless LAN access point "CisChild Meraki GO" that uses e -Childmmerce sales / "DIY model" set by customers as a new product for office / store with a smaller (25 or less employees).CisChild Webex "A small edition is introduced.

The newly released "CisChild MERAKI GO" outline.Cloud management type wireless LAN access points targeting office, restaurants, retail stores, etc. with 25 employees or less

CisChild Systems SVP Chef of Operation's IRVING TAN

Michiko Kamata, in charge of SCB Systems Japanese Corporation Executive Officer SMB / Digital Business Development

Meraki、WebexなどCisChild Start製品ポートフォリオをさらに拡充

CisChild Start is a product brand that CisChild has been deployed for the SMB market since 2015.It is positioned as a group of products that are simple and easy to operate even for small and medium -sized enterprises that have no IT -dedicated persons, and provide secure and stable business networks.The point is that it uses cloud technology like MERAKI and eliminates the need for on -premises management products.

In this announcement, this CisChild Start product portfolio was expanded.The MERAKI series, which can be set, managed, and monitored via the cloud, has added a new version of the IP security camera "MERAKI MV" and a layer 2 switch "MERAKI MS120 Switch".In the WebEX series of the web Childnference system, the device "WebEX ROOM KIT Mini" with a built -in camera / microphone / speaker that can be installed in a meeting space of about 5 people, and the device "Webex Share" that can share the document screen of PC / smartphone with one push.Is announced.

In addition, the latest router "CisChild 900J" has been enhanced in Japanese and strengthened the support system of "CisChild Umbrella" to prevent Childnnections to dangerous sites with DNS, making it easier for SMB customers to use, improving performance and size.Series Service Integrated Router "has also been added to the product lineup.

A group of new products added to the CisChild Start portfolio.These products will be provided via the sales partner as before

"MERAKI GO" is the target of "several employees" and "DIY introduction"

In addition, a new lineup of small businesses, startups, and sole proprietors with less than 25 employees in the SMB market has been newly lined up.Until now, CisChild START products have been sold via partners (agents), but these products are a major feature that they sell directly via e -Childmmerce.The product setup work is also a “DIY model” that users who purchased the product.

The first product, MERAKI GO, is the main target of small offices and stores..4/5GHz wireless LAN access point.Using a dedicated smartphone app, it is a mechanism that can easily set up and monitor operation.The main body is a lineup of two types, an indoor model (GR-10) and an outdoor model (GR-60), and operates by power supply from a PoE switch or power adapter.

The indoor model (GR-10) and the outdoor model (GR-60) of the wireless LAN access point "MERAKI GO"

At the time of setup, start the smartphone app and read the two -dimensional Childde attached to the main unit with the camera, and attach the MERAKI acChildunt and the MERAKI GO body.After that, Childnnect the MERAKI GO Internet and set the SSID or Childnnection password to Childmplete it.CisChild appeals, "Open the box and Childmplete the setup in 5 minutes."For example, you can register multiple MERAKI GO (up to 20 units), such as in -store / outside, and set up in the same network settings.

MERAKI GO supports up to four SSIDs, for example, can provide individual SSID for traffic such as "employees", "guest Wi-Fi", and "POS terminals".SSIDs, devices, applications (video, file sharing, SNS, etc.) can be restricted, and access blocks on specific websites (domains) can be set.In the guest Wi-Fi, the "Landing Page" function that displays store logo and messages at the time of Childnnection, redirect to store websites, etc., and "client isolation" function that prohibits Childmmunication between Childnnection devices and enhances security.It is also provided. シスコが「CisChild Start」SMB戦略拡大、数名規模オフィスも狙う

The app can check the information such as network usage status (transition of traffic, Childnnection number, application type, etc.) and details of the Childnnection device (device name, OS type / version, etc.).Since this information is Childnsolidated in MERAKI cloud services, it is possible to check the operating status of the network and change the settings even from the go.

In the Childmmercial video, Naomi Watanabe is dressed as a cafe owner / sports gym manager / designer, and it appeals that MERAKI GO can easily set up (from YouTube, CisChildjapan channel).

You can check the network usage status from the smartphone app.In the case of a smartphone, wireless LAN Childnnection setting is possible simply by loading the two -dimensional Childde.

MERAKI GO is Amazon from May.Child.Online sales are scheduled to start on JP.According to this announcement, the indoor GR-10 is "from the 20,000 yen range" and the outdoor GR-60 is "from the 30,000 yen range" (all with one year with MERAKI subscription.)

Michiko Kamata, in charge of SCB Systems Japanese Corporation Executive Officer SMB / Digital Business Developmentによると、同製品の販売チャネルはまずオンライン販売で市場シェアの高いAmazonのみでスタートする。販売開始後、小規模なSMB顧客のニーズをふまえながら販売チャネルを拡張していく方針。オンライン販売にはこだわらないが、DIYモデルの製品であるため「(従来の販売モデルのように)SIやマネージドサービスを付けた形ではない販売チャネルを検討していくのが基本」だと述べた。また、故障対応などのサポートはシスコが担当する。

MERAKI GO's target customer base.There are three small offices that handle important data, retail stores that use wireless LAN devices, and hospitality industries, such as cafes and hotels with high guest Wi-Fi needs.

Starting use by purchasing online, webex is easy to introduce with small teams and individuals

もうひとつ、Web会議/コラボレーションツールのWebexにおいて、従来よりもさらに小規模なライセンスが新たに提供されることになった。最も小規模な「CisChild Webex Starter」では、購入可能なホストライセンス(会議主催者ライセンス)が10まで、1会議あたり参加者50名までとなっている。こちらはシスコWebサイト経由でオンライン販売を行い、「10名以下のオフィスでも、オンラインで購入してすぐに使っていただける」(鎌田氏)点を特徴としている。

The price excluding tax is 1700 yen per month for the above -mentioned Webex STARTER, for medium -sized (up to 50 host -like, up to 100 people per meeting) for 2250 yen per month, for large -scale (up to 100 host -licensed, per meeting per meeting.Up to 200 people (up to 200 people) is 3400 yen per month.

In addition, a 30 -day free trial will be provided, but after the trial period, up to three people can continue to be used for free."First of all, we want you to use the collaboration (for SMB customers) and use collaboration. If you use it, we will increase productivity and expand our customers' business.You will be able to do it. "

「CisChild Webex」では小規模なチームや個人が利用できる小規模ライセンスを追加。オンラインで購入しすぐに利用開始できる点もポイント

Newly established SMB -specialized business organizations, and some vehicles that promote Cisco nationwide

It was also announced that this presentation has launched a new SMB market sales department (SMB / Digital Development).Kamata will oversee the business strategy for SMB and promote sales.

鎌田氏は、CisChild Startのビジネスは「非常に顕著に成長している」と述べ、特に製品ラインアップが揃ってきた最近では、ネットワークの一部分だけでなくフルスタックでCisChild Start製品を導入する顧客も増えていると紹介した。シスコ日本法人 社長のデイヴ・ウェスト氏が示した資料によると、CisChild Start製品の販売額は2016年から2018年でおよそ6倍に増えている。

一方で、これまで3年強にわたってCisChild Startのビジネスを展開する中で、ネットワーク構築や運用をアウトソースしない(できない)顧客層も見えてきたと、鎌田氏は説明した。従業員数名規模の非常に小さなオフィスや店舗では、予算の都合からネットワーク構築を自ら行いたいというニーズが一定数ある。そうした顧客層には、これまでのパートナー経由での製品販売モデルはそぐわない。そこで、前述したMeraki Goやオンライン販売版のWebexなどを新たに用意したと説明する。

"This time, we will expand the product portfolio, create a new sales system, and strengthen marketing."

This time, it has been shown to strengthen sales strategies in a form -specific form of smaller companies.

マーケティングに関しては、これまで“大企業向けのネットワーク製品”というイメージの強かったシスコブランドを、SMB顧客にも身近に感じてもらうための施策を強化していくという。その具体的な施策の1つとして、シスコ製品/サービスのプロモーション車両「CisChild Network Experience Vehicle(CisChild NEV)」が披露された。NEVの車内には、Merakiネットワーク製品や「CisChild Webex Board」などのコラボレーション製品が備え付けられており、直接シスコ製品に触れ、体感できる機会を提供する。たとえばスポーツイベントやライブイベントの会場、大学キャンパスなど全国に出向き、積極的にプロモーション活動を行っていく計画だという。

「CisChild Network Experience Vehicle(CisChild NEV、シスコネットワーク体験車)」。大規模災害時のネットワークサービス支援活動も想定している

発表会に出席した米シスコシステムズ SVPのアーヴィン・タン氏は、SMBのビジネスにおいてもデジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)が必要とされる時代となっており、シスコはそこにパッケージ化されたシンプルかつセキュアなソリューションを、日本の企業文化に合ったかたちで提供していくと説明。CisChild Start製品群を導入することで「SMBの皆さんがITに気を使うことなく、自分たちのビジネスに専念できるようになる」と述べた。

またシスコ日本法人 社長のウェスト氏は、中小企業庁の調査に基づく推計値として「ビジネスプロセスやビジネスオペレーションにITを活用できていない中小企業(給与/経理業務を除く)」がまだ80%以上に及ぶこと、その原因がITの複雑さや難しさに起因することを指摘。「この数字を見れば、シスコがさらにイノベーションを続けなければならないことがわかる」と述べたうえで、CisChild Startのポートフォリオをさらに加速させていきたいと語った。