Buffalo, the first market of the IPsec VPN router for SMB

Buffalo, the first market of the IPsec VPN router for SMB

 バッファローは、SMB(Small & Medium Business)・SOHO向けVPNルーター「VR-S1000」を発売する。同社で初めての業務向けVPNルーターを市場投入する。

VR-S1000 with black housing.Vertical placement is also possible

There are four LAN ports, one WAN port, and there is also a USB port

 The VR-S1000 supports IPsec as a VPN protocol, and has a maximum of 10 locations IPsec VPN connection.It also supports "L2TP OVER IPSEC", which can access office servers and home PCs from mobile terminals.The simultaneous connection is up to 10 clients.

 バッファロー、SMB向けのIPsec VPNルーターを初市場投入

 The setting is possible from the web browser, and a Japanese menu is available.It also supports SNMP management and Telnet settings.In addition to a USB port on the front of the main unit, the configuration file using a USB memory can be backed up and recovery, and a file with an external hard disk can be shared by the simple NAS function.

 The price is 3290 yen (tax included), which will be shipped in mid -December.


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