The standard of 2022 is "Wi-Fi 6" wireless LAN router 2022/1/20

The standard of 2022 is "Wi-Fi 6" wireless LAN router 2022/1/20

Wi-Fi 6 compatible router standard model black WSR-3200AX4S-BK (Buffalo)

According to the Daily Total Data from January 10 to 16, 2022, the actual sales ranking of wireless LAN routers was as follows. 1st place Wi-Fi 6 compatible Router Standard Model Black WSR-3200AX4S-BK (Buffalo) 2nd Wi-Fi 6 Router Premium Model Mat Mat Black WSR-5400AX6S-MB (Buffalo) 3rd Aterm WG1200HS4PA-WG1200HS4 (NEC) 4th place Aterm WX3600HPPA-WX3600HP (NEC) 5th Aterm WG2600HS2PA-WG2600HS2 (NEC) 6th Wireless LAN base unit 11ac/N/A/G/B 866+300MbpsWSR-1166DHPL2 (Buffalo) 7th place ARCHER AX73 (TP-Link) 8th Wi -Fi 6 (11ax) compatible router entry model black WSR-1800AX4S-BK (Buffalo) 9th Wi-Fi 6 compatible router standard model White WSR-3200AX4S-WH (Buffalo) 10th place ATERM WG2600HP4PA-WG2600HP4 (NEC) * "BCN) *" BCN) * "BCN) *" BCN) Ranking is a POS database that collects and aggregates actual sales data such as personal computers and digital home appliances from major home appliances and online shops nationwide. I cover it.

 2022年のスタンダードは“Wi-Fi 6” 無線LANルーター売れ筋ランキング 2022/1/20