Can you stop the alarm without touching the iPhone?

Can you stop the alarm without touching the iPhone?

There should be quite a lot of people who use the iPhone instead of an alarm clock.The mobile phone nearby is always compatible with the alarm, has been installed as a matter of course since the feature phone era, and has existed on the iPhone since its debut.Because it can be linked not only with sound but also with vibration and LED flash, it is more functional than traditional alarm clocks.

iPhoneに触らずアラームを止められる? - いまさら聞けないiPhoneのなぜ

The alarm of the iPhone can be stopped without touching.There are some points to note when using it, but it is a trick that is useful when you can not find any alarm sounds and want to stop loud alarms as soon as possible.

The trick is to call the voice assistant "Siri".It is necessary to enable "Hearing" Hey Siri "on the Siri setting screen in advance, but if you say" Hey, Siri "with a sleepy eye, Siri reacts, and the alarm with the sound of Siri.The sound stops.The vibration also stops, so the iPhone placed on the desk does not start to vibrate.

However, this method does not stop the alarm.The snooze button is displayed on the screen, and the flash continues when the LED flash notification (one of the accessibility functions that blends the LED when calling or alarm sounds) is enabled.If you stop those phenomena, you need to stop the alarm correctly, but if you say "Hay, Siri", "Stop the alarm" is OK.

It is an alarm function of the iPhone that can easily stop in this way, but the ease of stopping sound is also a double -edged sword that directly leads to an increase in sleep probability.If you call Siri too easy, it may be painful!?